Australia & New Zealand Immigration

Our online assistance and query service allows you to receive comprehensive advice from a Registered Migration Agent on AUS/NZ immigration policies, visas, occupational registration, or various application matters within 24 hours.  This means you can get immediate detailed answers to your immigration questions from a qualified expert, without contracting ongoing services. The charge for online assistance is only $25.00 per query, depending upon the level of response required.  Just complete this short form and submit your payment online.

*Please SUBMIT your query on this form before making payment.  You may use your full name as the payment reference.  A PayPal account is not required to make payment, you will also have the option to pay online with a credit card. If you wish to use another payment method, please contact us at to arrange.*

Online Visa Help

2024 Copyright MZ Migration International, LLC: M100069

Wisconsin - United States                                   E:                                          PH: +1 (262) 623-6636

Online Query $25